Tuesday, June 28, 2011

binky bears and bouncy chairs, these are a few of my favorite things!

funny face!
2 cool dudes!
frog hat and mommy
one of burp cloths many uses!
I thought I would take a moment to tell you about a few of my favorite things as of right now.  First and foremost, I love people...anyone and everyone!  I love to smile and make faces at them in hopes of getting a smile, conversation, or any type of attention in return.  As I have stated in my previous posts, I love Miss Bee...she is my girl and I love to talk up a storm with her.  My binky bear is one of my new favorites and I have gotten to where if binky bear doesn't go everywhere with me, I make sure it is a loong outing for mommy.  He helps my medicine go down easier, soothes me when I am upset, and comforts me to sleep when I don't want to...he is my best buddy.  Giraffe blankie and sophie, my other giraffe, are binky bear's buddies and they are also becoming super important to me as well.  Right now, mom won't let me go anywhere without sophie because it is my teething toy, and I am cutting my first tooth on the top right side this week.  You see, sophie is made out of rubber and contains two separate squeakers, one in her head and the other in her body (perfect to drive my papa nuts!).  Every time I accidentally squeak on of the squeakers, I jump...I know it's coming, but I still jump.  Essentially, she is a dog toy dressed up a little, with a cute face and is sold to desperate moms everywhere dealing with grumpy, teething babies.  I like her, so I guess it works out for mom. :)  Burp cloths, ah the many uses of burp cloths!  They have been used for spit-up, drool, runny noses, a make shift teether, a wig (yes, a wig!  check out the picture of me...I think I look distinguished :)), and a sun shield in the stroller.  Speaking of strollers, I love mine!  Maybe it is because I always like to be on the go so much; the car is also a great option!   My bouncy chair is another one of my favorite things because it has Miss Bee on it and a get to bounce until my heart is content, while still watching the world go by.  Other things that make my heart happy are crowded places (again the people thing), my bottle, frog hats, my girlfriend at daycare, overalls, mommy and daddy, grandmas and grandpas, being held and played with, kisses, nanas and papas, tractors (ok, so maybe I am influenced by my daddy right now, but its possible I like them too :)), trying to sit up like a big boy, silly faces,  monkey butts, godparents, big boy carseats, Dr Argao (he's a pretty cool guy, he makes me feel better and doesn't give me shots), aunts and uncles and cousins, my lamb, being outside, sports on TV, fishies that put you to sleep (thanks baby einstein), and sleep (yes, I LOVE my sleep!).  And these are a few of my favorite things!!!

Monkey butt (I think my mommy likes it more than me :))

binky bear!
John Deere's and papa!

my godparents
Big boy carseat

Until next time,
The tot

binky bear and daddy's hat
Miss Bee, my first girlfriend
silly faces :)

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