Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My, what big hands you have!

Some of you may not know all the details about me, so I thought I would catch everyone up on the particulars of what has been happening these past few months since I made my grand entrance into this world.  I was born on Monday, January 31st at 9:22 in the morning and weighed 6 lbs 13 ounces and 20 inches long.  "A little one!" you might would be right and wrong because you see what I lack in weight I definitely make up in super large hands and feet.  Even the doctor commented on what big limbs I have and  then proceeded to say that I will probably be big like my daddy.  I am what they call a "scrappy little fella" because the day I was born, I could already hold my head off of daddy's shoulders. 
The first month was a whirlwind of eating, sleeping, and diapers (although my mom might contest the sleeping bit :)); I was pretty much a normal baby. all changed.  I started fussing all the time and mom couldn't figure out why; the doctors said it was colic, but it definitely was not.  Turns out I have severe acid reflux and a milk allergy. It would keep me up all hours crying hoping that if I cried enough mommy could fix it.  They switched me to formula and put me on 3 adult medications for it, which tastes extremely yucky!  Mommy was so stressed out that grandma and nana practically lived at my house.  Everyone held me all the time to keep me upright.  Long story short, many phone calls, pediatrician visits, 3 appointments with specialists, 3 tests, a drive to Dallas, extended maternity leave, a new formula, sleeping on my tummy, a white noise maker, a different feeding position, tummy time, 2 new medications and a stronger dosage later, I am much better.  I am even gaining weight, especially in the cheeks :)

oh, hello there sweet lady!

I started daycare on the 18th of April and had a rough time getting adjusted, but now everything is better and I even have a girlfriend, Anaiah (my cousin that was born 3 weeks before me), don't be jealous...your still my favorite :).  Well, I guess you could say I have 2 because Miss Bee, see picture, was my first lady and is still one of my favorites ever!!!  Lexi is the girl in my class and she is almost a year old...I know what you're thinking, "wow Tate, an older woman", but I can't help myself.  She comes over to me when I'm in the bouncy chair and smiles and me and I smile back.  She is the only one I let near the chair; I scream if any of the other kids come near me.  There's one kid, I call him fat head, who looks like he has an adult head on a baby body...kinda freaky.  You'll never guess what his favorite thing to do is...Yep, you guessed it-eat.   I definitely don't want him to come near me because he might eat me if I'm not watching him like a hawk.   

Me with my cousin Anaiah

tummy time!

Now, I am almost able to sit up on my own, I have been trying to crawl by doing superman and the army crawl on tummy time (even though I detest tummy time!!!) because I want so badly to go places.  Mom and I go for a walk almost every night (sometimes Sarah or daddy join us) and I LOVE the car.  Daddy's Ford diesel is my favorite because its noisy.   Mommy keeps talking about baby proofing the house, but what she doesn't realize is that when I'm awake, I'm using that time to look around and see what I can get into. another positive of crawling is that I won't be sitting like a lame duck waiting for fat head to eat me!  
Ok, that's enough for the day.  Until the next time! 

The Tot

1 comment:

  1. Krista! I love your blog, so cute! I will definitely be following to keep up with Mr. Tate.
